What is Vacant Buildings 101?

Vacant Buildings 101 is your guide to taking action on vacant buildings on your block and in your neighborhood.

Research Ownership

A step-by-step guide to researching the ownership and status of vacant buildings or other properties.

Get started

Report Code Violations

A guide to using 311 to report code violations from high grass to structural problems at vacant buildings and vacant lots.

Learn how

Fix a Nuisance

A step-by-step guide to using nuisance abatement to deal with problem properties.

Take action

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Learn more

Check out our guides for neighborhood residents and resources or read the open Google Document we used for our Vacant Building 101 workshops.

Read the guide as a Google Doc

What are the Vacant Buildings 101 workshops?

Baltimore Heritage and the Community Law Center organized a series of three workshops in 2017 to share resources on taking action on vacant buildings with residents in East and West Baltimore. Explore the slides from the workshops below or contact us for more information.